"For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead."
James 2:26
Do my actions and behavior mirror what I say I believe?
What I do in response to God when He invites me to join Him in His work reveals what I truly believe about Him. When He asks me to do something outside of my ability, outside of my financial means, something outside of what I can humanly accomplish so that He alone will be given the glory, do I respond with "Yes, Lord." or "Um, God I can't do that, you'll have to find someone else."? When I say that I believe that the Lord is my Provider, but I do not act as such, I am revealing what I truly believe. I so desperately want to live out what I say I believe, but it is so hard, and can be quite scary at times. And there it is, the fear, that keeps me from living out the beliefs that I say I have. If I am afraid does that not communicate to God and those around me that I do not trust Him or believe that He is All-Powerful God, my Provider, my Deliverer, my Rock, my Salvation. Do I recognize and acknowledge Your power? Do I believe that You are the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? The same God who displayed the magnitude of His power as He delivered the Israelite's out of Egypt? The same God who gave David victory over Goliath? The same God who came to earth as a babe, fully God and fully man, who healed the sick, who fed the five thousand, who died on the cross and three days later rose again? Do I live this life in light of the fact that I serve a risen Savior? Do I believe that You God have the same power that You did in the scriptures?
Father God I want to live in light of Your power. I want to live out what I say I believe. I want Your glory to be displayed in my life, for this life is meant for You and You alone, for Your name to be praised and lifted up, for You to be seen not me. Use me Lord, mold me and make me, guide me and take me, be with me as I seek to glorify Your name and not my own.
Jesus thank you...
...for the sun shining and reflecting off snow and shining through windows.
...for weekends full of laughter with my husband.
...for the promise of spring and warmer weather.
...for peace in the midst of the chaos.